Registration for Faith Formation: Now Open

Jul 19, 2023

For children and young people, religious education is where the parish accompanies their parents on the journey of sharing the Gospel with their children and forming them as they grow into mature young Catholics. It cannot be emphasized enough that the parents are the first, and best, teachers of their children. What you do in your home will echo down the years of the lives of your children. YOU are the Domestic Church! The major sacramental moments that children experience at First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation are important parts of the journey of faith, but the journey doesn't end with them, it only begins.

We are now accepting registrations for the 2023-2024 school year.

Classes begin in September.

Grades 1-6 Tuesdays, 4:00—5:15 PM
Grades 7 & 8 Tuesdays 6:00 —7:15 PM

Register by clicking HERE.

REGISTER EARLY! If you have any questions, contact the Faith Formation Office [email protected] -OR- (313) 884-7407

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